Best Resources of C++ and python for Beginners

Best Resources of C++ and python for Beginners

Beginners are excited to dive into the world of programming. But, they are in dilemma of how to start their programming journey in order to enter into the world of programming.

The sooner you start to code, the longer the program will take !!!

Programming Languages

Now the very first question that comes to a fresher is that :

  • Which language to choose for coding or programming ?

Well, there are a lot of languages in the world of programming, but being a fresher, there are suitable languages to get started with like C, C++, python or java. But wait, you don't need to worry about all these languages because you don't need to learn these all, if one able to get used to with any language properly, then he/she can switch to any other language within a short span of time.

So, it is better to take C++ or java as the first programming language, learn the syntax and programming fundamentals, get used to with it, start making programs along with the concepts and then one can easily switch to other language like python.


Python is one of the most popularly used language in the world, because it is used in various domains like for Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, deep learning, as well as for the development also like django.

So, for a noob beginner, it is recommended to start with any of the C++ or java and then switch to python, etc. It would be a great deal if you start with a difficult language (like C, C++ or Java) and then switch to easier one (like python). Once you would be used to in programming, then it will be easier to carry on in any other language.

Sources for C++ :

Here are some useful C++ video tutorials :

Sources for python :

Youtube tutorials for python :

cheatcheet C++ Cheatsheets for C++

pythoncheatsheet Cheatsheets for python

Aman Kumar

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